A truck accident can happen due to different reasons and determining the specific cause can be complicated because of the factors that investigators, judges, and attorneys should take into account. An accident can result from the negligence of the trucker, the trucking company that hired the driver, or a freight company. If you have been in this type of accident, you need one of the best Georgia truck accident lawyers to help you build a strong case against the party responsible for it. Your attorney will help determine the cause of the truck accident and the party liable for your losses. Below are the most common causes of truck accidents in the state of Georgia:

Distracted Driving

Whenever a trucker does not pay attention to the road to do something like adjust the radio or use their phone, they increase their risk of causing an accident. It takes just one or two seconds of losing focus to cause an accident that can instantly change lives.

Driver Fatigue

Usually, truck drivers deal with fatigue. Long hours of driving can be quite tiresome, and a lot of truckers work for longer hours to meet deadlines. Fatigue can be quite risky since it reduces a trucker’s reaction times and prevents them from making sound decisions.

Unsecured Loads

Cargo should be secured properly even if it is inside an enclosed trailer. Also, the shipment’s weight should be distributed adequately on the axles to ensure the truck operates safely. Not loading the freight correctly can make the trailer dangerous to operate, especially if driving on windy weather conditions or winding roads.

Inadequate Driver Training

Operating a semi-truck is different from driving a smaller vehicle. Truckers must complete special training and get a commercial driver’s license to drive a truck. Without proper training, a trucker can be dangerous to themselves and those they share the road with. They may not be able to handle the truck under various road and weather conditions.


Speeding trucks become quite dangerous. These vehicles can be up to 80, 000 heavy when filled to capacity. If they move at high speed with this weight, they may not be able to stop suddenly. Speeding trucks require extra room to stop. In addition, if they have to stop suddenly, the momentum from the trailer can also lead to the truck jackknifing.

Bad Weather Conditions

The weather can make driving hard for any driver. For truckers, poor weather conditions like fog, snow, ice, or heavy rain can make driving particularly dangerous. Semi-trucks cannot make sudden stops the way passenger cars do. Ice or wet pavement can make it hard to change lanes or stop when necessary. Inadequately trained truckers cannot maneuver trucks safely in adverse weather conditions.

Improper Truck Maintenance

Commercial trucks can transport tons of cargo over long distances every week. This wear and tear on the parts of the truck means the vehicle should undergo routine maintenance to ensure it operates safely. Without proper maintenance, a truck can be dangerous to drive and lead to tire blowouts or brake failure. Typically, truck maintenance is the trucking company’s responsibility.

Equipment Failure

Sometimes, trucks are maintained based on schedule; however, the maintenance company fails to perform a good job or a truck part manufacturer produces a defective part. This can result in equipment failure. In this case, the part manufacturer or maintenance company may be liable for the resulting injuries and damages that victims sustain.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Under the guidelines set by the GDOT, truckers should not drive a truck while taking some prescription medications or over-the-counter products. Even high levels of caffeine and other legal stimulants can lead to over-reactions when driving a truck. Such substances must be taken into account when determining what causes a truck accident.