Businesses that require regular employee travel must be careful to select the best corporate travel agent. By effectively managing all travel plans, an effective travel agency may save businesses time and money. Selecting the finest agency might be difficult, though, because there are so many to select from. Here are the top 5 things to take into account when choosing a business travel agent.

1. Experience in Corporate Travel

Instead of choosing a recreational travel agency, look for one that focuses on business travel. The goals and interests of your business will be better understood by an agent who has expertise working with business visitors.

They will be able to manage complex itineraries involving several people and book travel using per diem prices because they will be accustomed to these challenges. Ask prospective travel agents how many corporations they serve as well as how long they have been offering travel services particularly to corporations. Select a business travel management platform that has a track record of handling corporate travel needs effectively.

2. Online Booking and Management Tools

Efficiency and convenience are crucial components of corporate travel management in the fast-paced workplace of today. It is not practical for employees who travel frequently to contact a travel agency each time they need to make a booking or a modification in their travel plans. The extensive online booking and administration capabilities offered by travel agents are incredibly helpful during this process.

Travelers should be able to independently reserve flights, and hotels, as well as other services for authorized domestic and foreign locations using these web portals. Major airlines, hotel chains, and other travel suppliers should integrate with the portals so that services can be searched as well as booked with only a few clicks. For an enhanced experience, all booking information such as passenger names, trip dates, payment methods, etc. should automatically fill from the traveler profiles.

3. Customer Service and Support

When it comes to managing and organizing corporate travel, customer service is crucial. Even with the finest plans and precautions in place, unforeseen problems are certain to occur occasionally. This can involve last-minute itinerary modifications or flights that are postponed or cancelled. You want to be sure that your travel agent will be there to offer trustworthy assistance as soon as such issues arise.

Because of this, it’s critical to properly assess any agency you are thinking about for its customer service capabilities. Directly question them about ways in which staff members might get in touch with agents for assistance. Learn about service level agreements for call, email, live chat, and other query response times. Additionally, you should be aware of the emergency procedures in place to deal with significant travel interruptions. Knowing that the agent has your employees’ backs in case something goes wrong while on a trip will offer you peace of mind.

4. Negotiated Rates and Supplier Network

It’s crucial to take into account the agency’s supplier network and negotiated pricing when selecting a business travel agent. Your company’s yearly travel volume provides you power to bargain for favorable pricing with airlines, hotels, and other travel service providers since you schedule a lot of travel for your employees. Because of the substantial number of bookings they represent, a bigger, more established agency will be more powerful during negotiations. On your company’s behalf, they may frequently get special pricing, extra perks, and lenient booking conditions.

A business travel agency must have solid relationships with the biggest travel vendors worldwide. This guarantees that the finest prices are accessible everywhere. Ask the agent about the specific airlines, hotel chains, rental car agencies, and other service providers with which they have connections. To optimize expense savings, choose an agency that collaborates closely with the vendors and one that your staff utilize the most. The depth and breadth of the supplier network are crucial since the more possibilities an agent has to choose from, the more likely it is that they will locate the best bargain.

5. Reporting and Analytics

Businesses may efficiently manage their travel program with the help of detailed information and analytics from the corporate travel agent. It is crucial for businesses to keep track of every penny spent on business travel. A reputable travel agency will offer thorough reporting tools that compile all trip expenses into in-depth reports. These reports should monitor total spending as well as spending that is split down into several categories, such as travel, accommodation, and transportation.

The reports must include analytics on supplier expenditures that demonstrate which flights, hotels, and other service providers are more often used. This enables businesses to haggle with favored vendors for the best prices. Analytics on travel trends should be included in the reporting tools. For instance, statistics on well-traveled routes might assist in optimizing reservations to obtain cheaper airfare. Hotel contract talks might be guided by reports that highlight popular tourism locations. Compliance reporting is also essential, particularly to guarantee that travel is scheduled in accordance with per diem and expenditure caps.


You may choose a partner who is qualified to manage business travel arrangements by taking the time to assess possible corporate travel-facilitating tools based on these five criteria. For every firm, a skilled agent with reliable technology, high standards for customer service, and data-driven insights may drastically save expenses and administrative burden.