Many companies adopt test automation worldwide to take over tedious, resource-intensive and time-consuming testing. In manual testing, humans often make assumptions and overlook a few flaws that cause a lot of errors with time. In this case, the specialists have to follow predefined test cases that are often lengthy and repetitive.

Success in automation is more about avoiding mistakes that may let costly defects through. Here are different ways in how test automation helps specialists reduce the possibility of manual errors.

Reduces regression testing time

Regression testing involves evaluating the existing software applications to ensure that any change or addition hasn’t broken the existing functionality. In this case, the test is not limited only to new updates added but also to the other areas of the software that may have been affected.

In manual testing, regression often involves running monotonous tests. As a result, there are a lot of frequent errors and inaccuracies involved. Even if the testing is completed on time, there is no guarantee that it was worth it.

With testing automation, there is greater use of complementary technology like third-party tools. This increases the pace of writing the scripts and the overall efficiency of the test session. Consequently, the previously functioning code will not regress when the changes are made.

Increases test coverage

Test coverage determines whether the test cases cover the application code. It also determines how much code is expected to run the other tests and helps to discover uncovered areas. Through test coverage, specialists can eliminate defects early, giving them superior control over the resources.

Manual testing is quite complex, especially when multiple platforms, channels and business processes. In this case, there are no standard criteria that will help the specialist understand the test coverage.

With test automation, more scripts can be tested simultaneously, and the results compared with what is expected. This results in increased test coverage, leading to fewer defects and works at the later stages of the testing process. You can easily remove redundant cases through automation.

Greater accuracy

Accuracy refers to the closeness of the measured value to the standard value. The specialists will discover many software designs and functionality problems when the accuracy is compared. Greater accuracy implies that the product meets the requirements of the customer’s expectations.

Repetitive testing increases the chances of errors when done manually. There will be mistakes when entering data, setting parameters and in different executions.

In test automation, repetitive tasks can be performed with the same precision. You can easily achieve greater accuracy by preventing defects leakage using test coverage analysis. The tools used in this case have greater precision than human beings.

Performing complex tasks

Certain tasks are too complex, and most specialists depend on the feasibility to conduct them. Specialists must perform these tasks despite their complexity as they are crucial in the process. This may include code review, static code analysis and unit testing.

Processes like code review require a fixed amount of time. Here, you have to follow all the necessary steps without skipping them. When performing these tasks, stopping might be a very difficult decision. It requires the core judgment of all testing that has been performed before and their significance. Sometimes, humans may be subject to misunderstood or incorrect arithmetic precedence.

In automation testing, there is a great feedback cycle and better insights on the complex processes of the testing. The specialists will easily detect bugs and identify any other potential vulnerabilities with automated tools. These tools will also help scan all the code in the project to check for the possibility of errors.

Reusability of test scripts

Reusability of test scripts is using the existing scripts with the testing process. If there is a slight change in one of the products, you just have to rewrite one test script instead of several others. This lowers the maintenance cost of the software in case of any future changes.

Writing several scripts manually is often time-consuming and subject to human error. Here, the specialists have to write a line-by-line description of all the actions necessary to perform specific tasks. Due to this, most of them find a lot of difficulties testing scripts without the necessary programs to help them through.

The scripts consist of a launch point, variables, and source code in automation testing. Specialists can make use of wizards to create automation scripts. After creating the scripts and launch points, they can associate the launch point with an existing script. Automated monitoring of scripts ensures that what is added doesn’t interfere with the whole code.


There are a lot of errors that can be avoided through the testing automation process. In this case, tools are programmed to perform particular tasks, unlike manual testing, where everything is executed manually. As mentioned above, the specialists have to use the end user’s perspective to test whether the application is working. As a result, there will be great accuracy with the processes being carried out, and refined products will be produced at the end of the process.