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PDF Write for Us

PDF Write for UsPortable Document Format (PDF) files run your world. PDF helps to reliably present and exchange documents regardless of software, hardware, or operating system.

PDF is now an open standard recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). PDF documents contain links and buttons, audio, video,  form fields, and business logic. You can sign them electronically and easily view PDF files on Windows or Mac OS using the free Acrobat Reader DC software.

Origin of PDF

In 1991, Adobe co-founder Dr John Warnock started the revolution that marked the shift from paper to digital with the idea that he dubbed “The Camelot Project” (the Camelot Project). The goal was for everyone to capture documents from any application, send the electronic version of those documents wherever they wanted, and view and print them from any machine. In 1992, the Camelot project got converted to PDF. Today, it is the format in which companies around the world place their trust.

PDFs are compliant

You can be sure that your PDF files comply with ISO 32000 standards for electronic document interchange, including specific-purpose standards such as PDF / A for archiving, PDF / E for engineering, and PDF / X for printing. PDF files help meet various accessibility standards that make the content more accessible for people with disabilities to use.

No more printing on paper

You can easily do so with the Adobe Acrobat Reader mobile app or the Adobe Sign mobile app if you need to sign a PDF electronically. To manage legally binding digital or electronic signature processes, try Adobe Acrobat DC or Adobe Sign.

You can be sure that your PDF files comply with ISO 32000 standards for electronic document interchange, including specific-purpose standards such as PDF / A for archiving, PDF / E for engineering, and PDF / X for printing. You can also create PDF files to meet various accessibility standards that make the content easier for people with disabilities to use.

PDF files run your world. You know that you use PDF files for your most important work. That’s why we invented the portable document format (better known by the acronym PDF) to reliably present and exchange documents, regardless of software, hardware, or operating system.

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