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Mobile Wallet Write for us

Mobile Wallet write for usMobile Wallet,  designed to simplify people’s lives and the number of things that we have to carry and be aware of when leaving home, for this reason, this digital wallet will be handled clearly from a smartphone. So your phone will finally end up being a fundamental part of you, not only because it is a means of communication with anyone in the world, a virtual schedule, a game console, or a good book, but now it will keep your Monetary income.

How Does Mobile Wallet Work?

Its operation is simple, and it is through applications that you can download that you can even connect to your WhatsApp. Some of these apps must be associated with your bank, but with others; you must have your debit card attached to the application.

Once you have the app, you can send the money you want to have from your bank to your app when you already have it on your phone, you can handle it at your convenience, either to make transactions, payments or even recharge for your friends.

This option can be useful in situations such as gathering money among several friends for a social outing, making debt payments, simply and quickly, you can also use it in businesses to which your bank is affiliated.

If you wonder how you will pay in a local with this modality it is easier than you think, there are two options, that they have a point of sale that scans the QR code, better known as a barcode, of the transaction you are making or have a phone with a mobile wallet.

What Countries are Using it?

The countries that currently have mobile wallets in operation are South Korea, the United States, England, Mexico, Chile, Spain, and Colombia and have more than 3,500 points where you can make use of it.

Around 3 million people around the world make use of their virtual wallets. The goal of its creators is to make people’s lives much more comfortable. For this reason, they have joined forces with Master Card, American Express, and agree with Visa.

It is an increasingly widespread system among consumers that avoids having to carry loyalty cards in their wallets or coupons printed on paper. And brands have realized this, which is why they are carrying out more and more mobile wallet programs to quickly acquire users.

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