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How Your Brand Can Introduce New Products with a Bang

How Your Brand Can Introduce New Products with a Bang

Developing a new product is a big risk. It can take a major investment of time, effort, and research to introduce a new product or service to your lineup, and you always run the risk that it won’t get uptake from your customers.

One of the most important parts of developing a new offering is the launch phase. It can make or break a new product.

From household names to B2B players, this is your go-to checklist for successfully launching new products.

1. Identify Your Target Markets

Brands can have widespread appeal across different subsegments of the market. When you launch a new product, you need to know which parts of your consumer base you’re targeting.

This comes from a deep understanding of your product and your consumers. Everyone on your team needs to know the value add, unique selling points, and options.

Meanwhile, you need to understand how your consumer base segments based on their behavior, interests, and preferences. Starting with that understanding, you can tailor your message and personalize it for the right audience. Your messaging is going to be your introduction to the new product. Make sure it speaks to the market you’re targeting.

2. Integrate Brand Activations into Your Launch

Don’t let new products go unnoticed. Brand activations are a way of raising awareness about new product launches, engaging with consumers, and testing out enthusiasm for your new products.

There are all kinds of ways you can launch a new product. One successful method for retailers is doing in-store brand activations with the help of an interactive kiosk. An interactive kiosk instantly draws attention within your retail environment. It can be as simple as a lift-and-learn display that tells consumers all about a new product, or it can engage consumers in a variety of different ways, including the use of AI avatars, gamification experiences, or integrating contests and promotions.

A BIG Digital kiosk display can help you achieve your product launch goals. They provide kiosks suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

3. Train Your Team

Internal buy-in is the first step in a successful product launch. Everyone from your marketing team to the salespeople on the floor should be trained in how to introduce customers to new products. They need to know the product’s selling points, benefits, and the messaging around new products. Getting their buy-in is crucial when it comes to persuading consumers on the merits of your product.

4. Think About Life Cycle

New products can take a great deal of iterative work. If you find that testing, tweaking, and perfecting your product is standing in the way of a launch, consider shortening your product’s life cycle.

Instead, position your brand as an innovator, one that isn’t afraid to try something, but that listens to users’ opinions and feedback. It’s a strategy that works particularly well in the tech world.

5. Cultivate Curiosity

Make your brand one that cultivates curiosity in its consumers. Developing curiosity about an upcoming product can be done through brand activations and marketing campaigns that promise a big reveal. It can create an energy and atmosphere that invites questions and excitement from your most loyal consumers.

Make your next big product launch a smash hit by following this checklist.

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