What is Navigation Bar? – Definition, Uses, And More
Definition Navigation Bar The navigation bar helps to navigate between different screens and applications using which is at the bottom…
What is Permalink? – Definition, Information, Example, And More
Definition Permalink A permalink (abbreviated Permalink) refers to a particular resource that makes a link permanently available. Permalinks are unique…
What is Microblogging? – Definition, Advantages, Uses, And More
Definition Microblogging Microblogging is a form of communication belonging to a 120-280 character entry publishing system, the information of which…
Web Scraping with Proxies
What is a proxy server? A proxy server is a server that retrieves data out on the internet such as…
Online Manipal or Amity – Which is better University for an Online MBA in India?
In the years there has been a surge in the popularity of pursuing an online Master of Business Administration (MBA)….
What is XHTML? – Definition, Concepts, Advantages, And More
Definition XHTML XHTML is an acronym for the expression of Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. In our language, we can translate…
What is Pay-per-click? – Definition, Functions, Benefits, And More
Definition Pay-per-click (PPC) PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. It refers to an Internet advertising model where the advertiser pays to place…
What is Moodle? – Definition, Features, Advantages, And More
Definition Moodle Moodle is a free and open-source learning platform. Moodle stands for “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.” It is…
What is Multicasting? – Definition, Functions, And More
Definition Multicasting In computer networking, multicast is a set of communication where data transmission runs to a group of target…
How IT Support playing a Crucial Role in Growing Businesses in UK?
Information and Technology (IT) plays a significant role in almost all areas of our lives, at the business level, technological…
What are Meta Tags? – Definition, Features, And More
Definition Meta Tags Among SEO efforts, one of the most important is to optimize meta tags, or metadata. This information…
Top Schools near me in Mumbai
Top Schools near me in Mumbai Are you looking for the best schools near you in Mumbai? Then you have…