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Bitcoin Write For Us

Bitcoin Write For Us

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency (virtual currency). It is a self-regulated payment unit with no physical reference or country endorsement. It preserves the anonymity of its owners and whose transactions are carried out through the internet using encrypted codes and confirmed multiple times by the members of the network itself (through the so-called ‘blockchain’ technology, in practice, a shared ledger or record of the activity). Knowing a code makes you the possessor of that cryptocurrency. It is a fully digital currency. One controversial aspect is the process of creating bitcoins, which has come to be called mining. In practice, it has come under the control of a few hands, most organized groups based in Asia.

Price of a bitcoin

You can know the value of bitcoins through internet portals dedicated to the trade of this virtual currency, as a consequence of the demand and supply movements that are registered by the members of the system. Given that in the case of bitcoin its number is limited in time, experts argue that its price will also tend to increase if the number of users continues to rise (hence its controversial pyramid nature). Supporters of bitcoin defend that it is not pyramiding since no one gets promised returns, and there is no single issuer that benefits. However, with any investment, there is no guarantee that the value of bitcoin will not vary.

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