Kamran Sharief
What is YouTube? – Definition, History, Benefits and More (2023)
Youtube Definition YouTube is a video-sharing website available for the global audience. It’s headquarter is located in San Bruno, California.YouTube…
What is a Mobile Phone? – Definition, Uses, Features and More
Mobile Phone Definition Mobile phone is a portable is something that has mobility or is not fixed or still. The…
7 Ingredients to Add for Making Your Video a Selling Machine
Making Your Video a Selling Machine A marketer cannot even imagine getting the desired return on investment from their marketing…
What is Computer Science? – Definition, Importance, Types and More
Computer Science Definition Computer science is the science of the systematic processing of information. In simple words it is an…
How to Encourage Economically Disadvantaged Children Towards Better Education
Encourage Economically Disadvantaged Children Towards Better Education Getting a high-quality education in the 21st century is theoretically very possible, but…
What is ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)? – Definition
ICT Definition ICT is an acronym of Information and Communication Technologies. The set of technologies developed to manage information and…
What is a Web? – Definition, Evolution, Types and More
Web Definition The web is an English word that means “network,” “cobweb,” or “mesh.” The concept is used in the technological field to name a computer…
Top 11 Mobile App UI Design Trends for 2020
Use of smartphones and mobile apps is increasing at an unprecedented pace. Statista has predicted that mobile apps would generate…
What is a Smartphone? – Definition, Invention, Benefits and More
Smartphone Definition A smartphone also called a touch mobile phone built on a mobile computing platform. With a more exceptional…
What is Robotics? – Definition,Features and Types of Robotics
Robotics Definition The robotics is the science and technology that is involved in the design, manufacture, and use of robots….
What is Telecommunication? – Definition, Uses and More
Telecommunication Definition The concept of telecommunication encloses all forms of remote communication. The word includes the Greek prefix tele, which…
What is Digital? – Definition, Features and Uses
Digital Definition Digital refers to an electronic method that generates stores and processes data in two ways positive and non-positive….