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Data Protection Write for us

Data Protection write for usThe concept of data protection is close to the ideas of intimacy, privacy, or a more personal sphere, as a reserve of an area of ​​our life (intimate or private) from which we exclude others. But, at the same time, the concept of data protection covers more areas or is more transversal in its object than intimacy and privacy.

Definition of data protection

The closeness to intimacy, to privacy, to individual freedom is evident, but the definition of data protection cannot leave aside the terms of identity or identification. It isn’t easy to find a branch of law that is as transversal or that touches as many situations as data protection does.

The protection of personal data affects a whole galaxy of relationships with legal relevance that occur every day in our lives: businessmen and employees, health system and patients, banks and customers, insurers and policyholders, universities and students, companies of collection and debtors, public and administered administrations, direct marketing agencies, and prospectuses, web pages and services, and their respective users, etc., etc.

Data protection refers to the rights of individuals whose data is collected, maintained and processed, to know what data is being retained and used, and to correct inaccuracies. If the research involves people, the legal and ethical obligations regarding data sharing should be considered.

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